Balancing Digital and Real Life: Managing Kid’s Screen Time

In today’s digital age, technology plays an integral part in education, entertainment, and daily life. However, too much screen time can have adverse effects on children’s physical, mental, and social well-being. At The Bharat School, we prioritize holistic child development, which includes guiding parents and students in managing kids’ screen time effectively.


Understanding Screen Time: A Modern Dilemma


What is Screen Time?


Screen time refers to the amount of time spent using devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and TVs. It’s important to differentiate between “active” screen time, which involves interactive learning, and “passive” screen time, often linked to mindless entertainment.



The Risks of Excessive Screen Time
While technology offers numerous learning opportunities, excessive screen time can lead to:


  • Decreased physical activity – Encouraging a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Impact on mental health – The heightened risk of anxiety and sleep disturbances.
  • Reduced social interaction – Less face-to-face engagement with family and friends.


Strategies to Manage Screen Time for Kids

At the Best Sr. Sec. School in Panchkula, we recommend the following strategies to help parents maintain a healthy balance between digital activities and offline learning:


  1. Set Clear Screen Time Limits: Establishing boundaries is crucial. Parents can limit recreational screen time to one to two hours per day, especially for younger children, while ensuring that screen time is purposeful, such as for educational tasks.
  2. Encourage Device-Free Zones and Times: Creating “no-screen” zones, such as during meals or family gatherings, helps foster meaningful interactions and a break from technology. Setting specific times, like before bedtime, as screen-free also supports healthy sleep habits.
  3. Promote Active Screen Time: Not all screen time is harmful. Educational apps, games, and learning programs encourage creativity and knowledge development. Choose age-appropriate and interactive content that stimulates children’s learning and cognitive development.
  4. Model Healthy Screen Use:Children often mimic adult behavior. By setting an example, parents can demonstrate how to prioritize offline activities such as reading, outdoor play, and hobbies over excessive screen time.
  5. Incorporate Physical Activities:Encouraging children to participate in sports, outdoor play, or physical hobbies reduces reliance on screens and contributes to their overall well-being. At The Bharat School, we emphasize a balanced routine that includes physical education and recreational activities.




Managing kids’ screen time is a shared responsibility between schools and parents. By setting clear limits, encouraging physical activity, and promoting active screen use, children can reap the benefits of technology without falling into the traps of overuse. At The Bharat School, we are committed to guiding our students toward a balanced lifestyle, ensuring their success both in the digital world and beyond.